
الاثنين، 1 أغسطس 2016


How Learning Games For Kindergarten And 1st Grade Can Work

By Charles Wood

Each new school year brings new challenges. This is true for the teachers and the students. For the educators who are in charge of the five to six year old children, the first days of classroom activity can set the tone for the whole year. Most kindergartners these days have attended pre-k and know a little about what is going on. Other little ones are first time students with no prior experience. First graders will be a lot more savvy than their younger counterparts, but they are still small children. One of the best ways to start the year off is to jump right into learning games for kindergarten and 1st grade.

Schools have a specific curriculum and guidelines that teachers must follow. They have advancement goals that have to be met periodically throughout the school year. One of the easiest ways to achieve success is to adapt lessons to the needs and personalities of the children in their care.

All children have limited attention spans. Their minds tend to wander, and they get bored quickly. Introducing new games and challenges into the classroom should get them interested in what you are saying and doing. They usually like to try new things and are happy when they can see positive results from their efforts.

Most young people are visual. They love picture books, kids television shows, animated movies, and puzzles. Many of them are already computer literate. If you offer them interesting and novel images that tell a story or pose a problem, they will not even realize they are learning a lesson.

As a teacher, you should consider yourself an authority figure to be respected and obeyed. Most young children will want to please you and will respond well if you praise their accomplishments and encourage their participation. Having a respectful and pleasant attitude toward them is critical if you expect cooperation. For whatever reasons, there are some children who find it difficult to interact and tend to sit back and keep quiet. With work, these kids can greatly improve their communication skills.

Small students will not be able to sit at a desk or table all day long. They need frequent breaks. Standing up, stretching, touching toes and doing jumping jacks for just a few minutes will stimulate them physically and mentally. Games that include exercise or some form of movement usually work well with this age group.

Most children are musical to some extent. Even tiny babies respond to musical stimuli. Learning through music has been proven to be very effective. Musical games and the introduction of instruments into the classroom is something your young students will look forward to.

Most teachers who work with small children do it because they love it. Their goal is to inspire and promote the joy of learning to all of the kindergartners and first graders in their care. Games, music, and art projects can help you accomplish this important goal and set you on the path of becoming a memorable teacher.

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