
السبت، 13 أغسطس 2016


Some Benefits Of Colonoscopy Morrilton AR Clients May Get

By Arthur Fox

One of the most effective ways of diagnosing lesions in the gastrointestinal system is through colonoscope. A colonoscope is a tubular instrument that has a camera attached to one end and a controlling device on the other. The instrument is typically inserted through the anal verge and guided through the rectum and colon so as to inspect the mucosal surface. There are a number of benefits of colonoscopy Morrilton AR residents need to know of.

A number of conditions can be successfully diagnosed in this manner. They include, among other, tumors (both cancerous and non-cancerous), ulcers and fissures, and polyps. A potential candidate is an individual who has symptoms that are suggestive of colon disease. Such symptoms may include, rectal bleeding, unexplained constipation, unexplained weight loss, and abdominal pains among others.

Apart from diagnosing conditions, the procedure can be utilized in instituting therapeutic measures. It is possible, in some cases, to stop bleeding from ulcers within the colon. This can be achieved through a number of ways. One of the approaches that may be used is the application of sclerosing agents directly to the affected areas. Other equally effective interventions include the use of silicon bands and cauterization. Polyps can also be safely removed in similar fashion.

As is customary for most procedures, you will be required to undergo some form of preparation. The preparation needed is both general and specific. General preparation that applies to any procedure and will include, for instance, having a full blood count. This helps screen for any bleeding disorders that may increase the risk of complications. A more specific form of preparation is what is commonly termed colon cleansing.

Colon cleansing refers to the removal of fecal material from the colon and the rectum for one reason or the other. This is achieved through laxatives, drugs that increase gut motility. Traditionally, the procedure has been done in one to two days. With the advent of newer laxative drugs, however, the desired effect can be achieved in a shorter period of time (a couple of hours).

There is a need to be on special diet as the cleansing process takes place. The general recommendation is that one should be put on a liquid diet such as tea, coffee, gelatin and clear juices. Red and purple colored drinks should to be avoided as they have the potential of staining the colon and distorting the findings. Bear in mind that due to the increase in gut motility you may have bouts of diarrhea.

The procedure takes 45 minutes to one hour in the absence of complications. There is usually no need for general anesthesia but some light sedation helps reduce pain and discomfort. There is mild discomfort as the scope is maneuvered through the anal opening into the colon. Taking a deep breath at this time often helps to minimize this unpleasant feeling. Rarely, the feeling may persist even after the procedure.

Patients are typically allowed home on the same day as soon as they regain consciousness. In rare circumstances, you may be retained for 24 hours especially if the sedation takes a bit long to wear of or if some complications are encountered. Bleeding is the most likely complication particularly in persons with bleeding ulcers and cancerous growths. Others include nausea, dizziness and vomiting.

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