
الاثنين، 1 أغسطس 2016


Steps To Take To Make Your Child Enjoy Reading

By Dorothy Cox

Technology has introduced toys and communication gadgets that make children disinterested in their books. Video games and movies are among the things that children enjoy most instead of going through their books. It is therefore important that you encourage your child to read and provide an environment that emphasizes the importance of this practice. Here are some intriguing ways that you can get your child to enjoy reading:

For you to stimulate your child to find it enjoyable to read, you need to give them a chance to read books of their choice. When they do this they will eventually find the joy of the practice. After they are used to the practice, you can now introduce to them books that you feel are the best for them.

There are also other ways of getting your children interested in studying. Taking them to a library with many books is one of the ways. Having many books will allow your children to choose the ones they like. They might start with seeing pictures and eventually develop a studying interest. You can also involve them in children studying groups. Interaction with their friends will create an interest in them.

Preparing a studying timetable for them is also a good strategy. They might even dodge the studying hours but eventually they might get used and enjoy. Ensure to supervise them when studying this practice will eventually get them interested.

Be an example to your child. If your children see you read they will take interest. Develop a culture where you read at least once in a day or even week. The type of material that you read is also very important. Discuss the interesting things that you discovered as you were studying. This will challenge the children and you will get them interested too.

In case you come along a movie that shows the details of a certain book, it is good you buy the movie for your child. However, you should encourage your child to read the book. You can do this by stating some interesting things that are mentioned in the book but omitted in the movie.

Sometimes these strategies may fail to improve the studying habits of your child. Rewarding them however can change them. In a case where a child reads and is given permission to go and play, the child will always remember to read before going out to play. You can also reprimand your children if they fail to read this will make them understand the necessity of studying.

Studying helps children to gain knowledge that is very vital and useful to their lives. However, as you entice them to read ensure they read materials of their age. This article provides with some ways in which you can make your child develop a studying culture.

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