
الثلاثاء، 9 أغسطس 2016


There Are Some Great Christian Churches In Las Vegas

By Sarah Sullivan

With so many different views that people believe in today being made a part of their lives for humans all over the world, religion is very real. From beliefs that date back to thousands of years ago to many that have originated in the last thousand years, people seek out meaning from religions. Even those who clam not to believe in a religion but rather in a science of life, they to just like Christian churches in Las Vegas, have a religion.

In the past people lived a lot longer than they do now and although the average life span has been shortened, people still desire to find something meaningful. It's very normal for a man to look back on his life and seek out acceptance and meaning by the way things unfolded. Many believe that the life spent on earth is the only chance they get and this alone drives them to seek out almost anything that will add to one's fulfillment.

Although everyone on this earth is very different from the next, no matter the age race or gender, all have basic needs that were molded into DNA before birth. What does vary is the balance between each, that changes each individual making them unique in this world. It all relies on how each person is going to satisfy this need and fulfill their purpose in life.

With all this said however, to much of one thing is a bad thing and this is no different for religion. Should one cause harm to anther based on the fact that they had to in order to follow their beliefs, there is a problem. One should rather choose to live a life and through this draw interest on what they choose to believe in.

Christianity is different to other religions due to the fact that as others call for sacrifice of some sought or ask to something in return, here God gave up his son as a sacrifice and only ask for love in return. No other religion is like this, as described in the bible one will receive all they need through Christ and the ultimate sacrifice.

There are plenty of Christians that prance around the world today proclaiming that they are a part of a certain church that is better than another, this is not true. God said in the Bible that the only way to him was through his son Christ. It really is all about the relationship and acceptance of Jesus.

Church is a way in which to find others who love God, but it is also a way in which to grow closer. And although fellowship is important it's not everything. Many are not aware of this and this is sad.

In conclusion living a meaningful life comes from God and only through Christ. Whether one chooses to source this out humility is the best display of this. Christian churches anywhere in the world will only add on the relationship and cannot be asked to be the main case of it.

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