
السبت، 13 أغسطس 2016


Uses For The Fleur De Lis New Orleans Symbol

By Linda Cole

How you represent someone or something truly is important. Ever since the beginning of time, people have also been dependent on these signs for guidance, warnings, and the like. As of today, these practices already are stuck with us. The simplest things are represented by signs like the colors of the traffic light.

These particular symbols we are talking about is very important to the society. It might possibly not look that much, but we sure are certain the the world would go haywire if ever these things were absent for even one day only. One of these important signs we have mentioned is the Fleur De Lis New Orleans symbol.

It absolutely is sad to hear that most individuals totally have zero clue when it comes to this thing. Little did they know, it actually is pretty common. You see it literally everywhere you go, the only thing is you did not pay enough attention to your surroundings. We shall give you a run down of its very many uses.

The very first image for this to be used for is distinguishing which kingdom are you or what prestigious line of family you came from. You mostly see these things on the banners of French people. The whole concept of it actually came form the image of the flower lily. As you could see, it has the same outlines.

Next up is its ever lasting presence inside structures dedicated to faith and religion. Yes, the location we are talking about is a church. Historians have never figured out as to why religious ministries opt for this symbol. Well, whatever the reason is, it sure has become pretty easy to spot a church because of this sign.

Times have passed and evolution practically ruled the world. But that certainly does not mean that this symbol has gone and aged away with the olden times. In fact, during the first world war, the military of some countries still use it and put it on their badges. They used is as an emblem for their bravery.

If ever you have not noticed, there certainly are a number of trams which use this to represent what they currently are fighting for. You may possibly notice this in several basketball teams. Even the league of soccer and football has become attached to this symbol also. There also are rare appearances of it in UFC.

Up next is the most common one of all. What we currently are talking about are schools and universities who also have seen the beauty and imagery of this particular object. Several schools and colleges around the world have chosen this to represent and bring their name along everywhere they go.

The last but not the least are badges used for scouting. This specific kind of activity teaches us to become strong and hone our skills to become wise when faced with danger and harm. During your training, you are never considered as a troop if ever you do not possess the badge that has this sign attached on it.

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